Meet the Cordova Twins

The Cordova Twins:

Jordan (pronounced JOR-den, in Biblical & English derived from (yarad) meaning "descend" or "flow down". It is also the name of the river which flows between the countries of Jordan and Israel where Jesus Christ was baptized by John the Baptist).

Jacob (pronounced JAY-kep, in English and Biblical means "holder of the heel" or "supplanter", and (Ya'aqov'el) meaning "may God protect". In the Old Testament, Jacob (later called Israel) was the son of Isaac and Rebecca and the father of the twelve founders of the twelve tribes of Israel. He was born holding his twin brother Esau's heel)

Jacob Jay Cordova & Jordan Rae Cordova

Jacob Jay Cordova & Jordan Rae Cordova
Two Peas in a Pod

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Jacob & Jordan Update 2-23-10

Family and Friends,

Today was an eventful day for the twins, as they had their first professional photo opportunity this afternoon! The American Medical Journal was visiting the NICU today, and the representatives asked Sheri if she would allow pictures to be taken of the twins and an article written on preemies, which would feature them! This information and pictures will be issued in the April '10 issue, which we will get a complete copy of the magazine (scrap book), and copies of the photos that were taken of both of them. At the same time of the interview and photo op today, Sheri also had taken some pictures with her camera, and we will make those available for viewing as well, very soon. Once we get the magazine and article, I will scan a copy and provide you with all the information if you wanted to go out and purchase a copy (sorry, only one freebie for us and that goes in their baby book).

I also got another education expansion on the workings of the oxygen rate for CPAP and nasal cannula and FIO2 (Fraction of Inhaled 02). As I understand it, in order for a preemie to be switched from nasal cannula back to CPAP (which does happen especially for preemies, but nothing to be alarmed with), two things must be taking place. 1 - the baby has to have a high flow ratio (this is the measured amount of oxygen that is transferred to the babies through the nasal cannula); a high flow is 2 liters or higher. 2 - the preemie needs to be at a FIO2 rate of 30% or higher. If both of these occurrences are happening, this is an indication that the baby needs more time on the pressurized CPAP to develop their lungs and breathing process more to release red blood cells, which gives our skin its pinkish color and indicates a good level of oxygen in our blood. Especially for a preemie, red blood cells are burned faster than an average term baby or child, accomplished by the faster breathing (something that happens when they are this young, and will slow down as they get older, ultimately ending up in the normal pace for breathing and oxygen regulation we have, in which case the red blood cells need to be replenished (which usually happens by a blood transfusion). As the twins continue to develop and get closer to the original due date and due weight, this will hopefully be needed less and less.

Now, for the detailed report:


day - 24% FIO2 with 1 1/2 liter flow, night - 23% FIO2 with 2 liter flow
2 dirty diapers for the day so far
3 brady episodes for the day
20 CC's of milk for the whole day
daily caffeine for heart development of 5 mg
2 lbs. 2 oz (day), night weight (I'll have to get you this tomorrow, the nurse forgot to weigh him before he got his 9 pm feeding)
had transfusion this afternoon to help with his color; ended at 9 pm. Went well, looking like a healthy pink baby again!


day - 24% FIO2 and 1 1/2 liter flow, night - 25% FIO2, 1 1/2 liter flow
4 dirty diapers for whole day so far, 3 wet diapers for whole day so far
daily dosage of 6.8 mg for caffeine, 24 CC's of milk for the day so far. 0 brady or desat episodes. weight for day, 2 lbs. 9 oz, weight for night, 2 lbs. 10 0z.

As one of the lines displayed through the intermissions for the greatest comedians of all time, "Stay tuned! More to come!"

Kind regards,

The Cordova Family (Andy, Sheri, Jacob & Jordan)
cell - 281-300-6212
email -

P.S. (for those of you who are trivia buffs, who is the comedian referenced above? Answer in the next post!)

1 comment:

  1. FYI I have access to some journals online because I work in the medical center. I may be able to get an electronic copy for you.

    Becca Bryan
