Meet the Cordova Twins

The Cordova Twins:

Jordan (pronounced JOR-den, in Biblical & English derived from (yarad) meaning "descend" or "flow down". It is also the name of the river which flows between the countries of Jordan and Israel where Jesus Christ was baptized by John the Baptist).

Jacob (pronounced JAY-kep, in English and Biblical means "holder of the heel" or "supplanter", and (Ya'aqov'el) meaning "may God protect". In the Old Testament, Jacob (later called Israel) was the son of Isaac and Rebecca and the father of the twelve founders of the twelve tribes of Israel. He was born holding his twin brother Esau's heel)

Jacob Jay Cordova & Jordan Rae Cordova

Jacob Jay Cordova & Jordan Rae Cordova
Two Peas in a Pod

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Friday, April 2, 2010

Jordan PDA Surgery update 4-2-10 1:39 pm

Family, Friends, Prayer Warriors,

Jordan has just been brought back from her surgery. From Sheri and I talking to one of the managers, the surgery went very well. Currently, she is back in the pod being put into the warmer bed, and all the IV's, lines and monitors are being put in place. The manager explained that Jordan is temporarily paralyzed (a side effect of the anesthesia) but this will wear off, and then once Jordan starts to breathe on her own again well, she could transition off the ventilator to the CPAP (or skip this step altogether) and go back to the nasal cannula. Jordan also did well in surgery prep with her ventilator and IV being put in. For feeds tonight, she will be getting IV fluids only; the doctors and nurses plan to begin to re-introduce mother's milk starting tomorrow morning through the feeding tube depending on her readings.

Now it's up to her to set her progressive trend. We will be praying for her to take off running, please keep her in your thoughts and prayers too.

More as it develops! Thank you for all of your love, prayers and thoughts! More progress reports soon!

Kind regards,

The Cordova Family (Andy, Sheri, Jacob & Jordan)
cell - 281-300-6212
email -

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